BioCare DSCSA Onboarding – Begin

Please complete the following information.

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Customer Business Contacts

Provide your business contact(s) for DSCSA Serialization.

Customer Technical Contacts

Provide your technical contact(s) for DSCSA Serialization.

Customer Global Location Number (GLN)

Check with your GPO to determine if they’ve purchased a GLN on your behalf. If not, you can obtain your GLN here.
Third Party Integrator (Track & Trace)
Please identify your L5 Service Provider (SP) from the entries below. If you would like to use a Portal to access your DSCSA EPCIS data from SAP ICH, please check the ‘SAP ICH Portal Customer’ Box. If your L5 SP is not listed below, please specify this under ‘Other’, identify the SP and fill out the technical contact and email address.