Formula & Concentration
Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human)
ADMA Biologics
Nabi-HB, Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human), is indicated for treatment of acute exposure to blood containing HBsAg, perinatal exposure of infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers, sexual exposure to HBsAg-positive persons and household exposure to persons with acute HBV infection in the following settings:
- Acute Exposure to Blood Containing HBsAg: Following either parenteral exposure (needlestick, bite, sharps), direct mucous membrane contact (accidental splash), or oral ingestion (pipetting accident), involving HBsAg-positive materials such as blood, plasma, or serum
- Perinatal Exposure of Infants Born to HBsAg-positive Mothers: Infants born to mothers positive for HBsAg with or without HBEaG12.
- Sexual Exposure to HBsAg-positive Persons: Sexual partners of HBsAg-positive persons.
- Household Exposure to Persons with Acute HBV Infection: Infants less than 12 months old whose mother or primary caregiver is positive for HBsAg. Other household contacts with an identifiable blood exposure to the index patient.
Nabi-HB is indicated for intramuscular use only.
Shelf Life and Storage
Store at 2–8°C (36–46°F). Do not freeze.